5 benefits of purchasing insurance through an independent agent

Insurance costs can quickly add up and finding the right set of policies for your unique situation can be a time-consuming process.

An independent insurance agent can help you in several important ways. Here are a few.

  1. They know all the players

Independent insurance agents work with many different insurers, and know a lot about the industry and prices charged by these companies. They are easily able to compare rates across the various companies they work with, so they should be able to find you a policy that is right for you, without breaking the bank.

  1. They save you time

With so many different types of policies and so many companies out there offering them, sifting through all the different options can be extremely time-consuming. Instead of spending your precious time doing the research yourself, an independent agent will take note of what you need and do all the legwork for you. They are able to gather multiple quotes and present them to you side-by-side, clearly displaying the best options and freeing up your time to do more important things.

  1. They can bundle

Bundling different types of policies together can add up to some pretty significant savings. An agent will be aware of the types of savings that can be had by bundling, and will help you to make the most of them. Whether it is a homeowners and auto or life policy combination, or different types of business insurance, there are almost always savings to be had by bundling.

  1. They know what to add and what to drop

There are a many additional coverage options available that you may not know could be beneficial to you, so an agent will be able to suggest add-ons that can help to better protect you. At the same time, there could be exclusions worth having that can save you money by eliminating coverage for things you don’t need.

  1. They work for you

Independent insurance agents work for you, the customer. Agents that work for large insurance companies are looking out for the bottom line of the company.

The agents at John B. Wright insurance are loyal to the customer. They can save you money and time by putting their knowledge to work for you. Contact us here for more information.